Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Edw@rd End0 is Celebrating My New Blog (Edw*rd End0 Is An Asswipe Recovered Post 1 of 4)

This is a recovered post from a blog I created called "Edw*rd End0 is an Asswipe". I had only published 4 posts when it got locked after only existing for 5 days. I presume because Edw*rd reported it. Well, it was reinstated today, but (seeing as I created this blog) I don't want that blog any more. So I'm going to republish the four posts I wrote on that blog here and then delete that blog.

This post was originally published on April 6, 2024. The blog was locked on April 11, 2024.

Bl0gger: Your blog titled "" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. 4/11/2024.

Bl0gger: Hello, We have re-evaluated your blog against Blogger Community Guidelines Upon review, the blog has been reinstated. You may access the blog at Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team. 8/14/2024.

Edw@rd End0 is celebrating my new blog [Edw*rd End0 is an Asswipe]. Or he will be, once he sees it. Edw@rd End0 (who will be known as "Upthe" going forward) will definitely celebrate this blog.

Hey, you know what? There is another recently created blog that is also being celebrated (see screenshot above). [Note: the blog in question was removed by Bl0gger after the original publication of this post].

Hmm. It seems this blog was also created by me, Dervish Sanders? At least that is what the sidebar says. Though I don't remember creating this blog. And Joe Stalin is definitely not a "bigly hero" to me.

So, what's going on here? How could I have created a new blog and not remember doing so?

Actually, I already figured it out. The blog was created by Upthe. Apparently Upthe thinks Joe Stalin is a "bigly hero" to me. Even though he isn't. But Upthe is a complete moron and frequently makes such mistakes.

So, why does the blog appear to be from me? Why does it show my name "Dervish Sanders" and display my avatar in the sidebar? Because Upthe created a new Blogger profile and entered "Dervish Sanders" as the display name. And he clicked on my avatar, downloaded it and added it to the new profile.

This is the account Upthe uses to impersonate me on Bl0gger. As a form of harassment. Because he is a bigly asswipe.

This ASSWIPE created another blog with the URL dervishsandersisanasswipe. It's gone now. I don't know what happened to it. But Upthe has several other fake blogs he created on behalf of me. This he does (again) to harass me. I reported this harassment to Bl0gger, but apparently they don't care. Given that they have done nothing.

Correction. They DID do something. They locked 3 of my blogs for a 100 percent bogus reason. G00gle sent me an email that said all three blogs violated their HATE policy.

This is false. I did have posts on 2 of these blogs that mentioned Upthe and had not nice things to say about him. But given that this asshole has been harassing me for years, I should have GOOD things to say about him?

But that does NOT fall within the paramaters of G00gle's Hate policy.

Promoting hatred based on Race, Sexual Orientation and Religious Affiliation are covered by the Hate Speech policy. What isn't covered? Not liking someone based on them HARASSING you. So, while Upthe did deduce that I hate his guts, my hatred for him has nothing to do with his race, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. Ergo, what I wrote about the bigly asswipe Upthe was NOT HATE under G00gle's hate policy.

While calling someone a "fagg0t"? Yeah, that is definitely hate speech.

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