Ed Stinks

12/26/2023. Eleventh Hour Link [Robin Bullsh!t]. Beware of what is said at 1:23:14 Derpish! That's God's warning to you. You've gotten judged, Derpi$$ bin~§atan~§ander$666 already. It's irrevocable, Derpi$$ bin~§atan~§ander$666. MDR

03/30/2024. Henry County Tennessee KKK Grand Kleagle. PTL

04/03/2024. What happened to your blogs, Dervish? I happen to click onto a link to 1 of them and noticed it got removed too... PTL

04/03/2024. Dervish attacked many people on his blogs, including you, FJ, Always On Watch, Lisa, Luke, Tom, Mystere, Donkey, Porky, Willis Hart and a few others. PTL

04/12/2024. What happened to your Oligarch Stooge Talk blog, Dervy? PTL

04/13/2024. you got your boyfriend Donny Bortz (Irl Hudnutt) to help you remotely. PTL

04/15/2024. Jermac1953, Jermac1954, Jermac1955, Jermac1956, Jermac1957, Jermac1958. PTL

MDR = Mystere's Donkey's Revenge.
PTL = Political Tea Leaves.

Mystere Aliases
Bobby Stinkfingers. June 22, 2024 at 1:19 PM.

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